Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Beauty recipes with Vivasan essential oils from Elmira ©

Beauty recipes with Vivasan essential oils from Elmira ©
I am going to share a few simple beauty tricks with you. I hope you'll find them useful and it will work for you!

For firmer skin
This mix is good for legs and buttocks to make them firmer, simply fill your bathtub with worm water 37-38C Then take a tablespoon of sea salt or milk, put 4 drops of Vivasan orange oil and 4 drops of Vivasan lemon oil into the salt/milk. Put the mixture in the tub. Mix the water around. Now you can get into the tub and relax enjoying the fragrance while your skin is getting firmer.
You can also add 2 drops of Rosemary oil to this mixture.
Note: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients
The first time you take this bath limit your sitting time to 5 minutes, after that you can sit no longer than 15 minutes. Do not exceed the dosage of oil or you will get skin burns. Light burning sensation by the end of the séance is normal.
Detoxify your skin
Detoxifying massage oil can be made by blending 2 drops of rosemary, geranium and juniper oil with 1 tbsp. of avocado or jojoba oil.
Toxin eliminating bath
4 drops of rosemary oil and 4 drops of juniper oil or 4 drops of fennel oil and 4 drops of geranium oil depending on what fragrance you prefer. Put the oil in 1 tbsp. of sea salt and add to your bath.
Moisturizer For dry skin
Mix 1 tbsp. of jojoba oil + 1 tsp. of evening primrose oil add 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 3 drops of geranium oil. Apply just a little bit (it’s greasy) daily before going to bed.
For moisturizing sensitive skin use either lavender or jasmine oils. Add 4-5 drops of any of these oils to 1tbs of jojoba oil.
For itchy skin condition try using lavender essential oil in a blend with base oil (avocado or jojoba).
For greasy skin
Add 5 to 10 drops of lemon or geranium oil to the bath

Note: Do not use the oils you are allergic to. Do not exceed the dosage.
Perform a patch test before using the products to make sure you are not allergic to certain ingredients.

Order your Vivasan oils from www.EssentialOilCollection.com

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